We Love You, Kenzell

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Eeeeeewwwwwwww! Maybe we should wash our hands.

And the 3 second rule is a myth!

The cleanest is the cafeteria table! Whew!

BUT we found:

a nasty bookshelf
disgusting keyboards
gross lockers
dirty library books
and the one that grew the most bacteria -


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Conduction and Radiation

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Heat Transfer: Radiation, Conduction, and Convection

Radiation - think light
Conduction - think touch
Convection - think circular movement of heat in a liquid or a gas

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Cycles in Nature

I can explain how matter and energy move throughout an ecosystem.

 Thanks, Elijah! Nice job on the Nitrogen Cycle. Is the spider still alive? Is decomposition taking place?

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Biome Projects!

Hey Ladies and Gents,

I have more pics, but I need permission from your grown-ups to post them on this blog! Have your ma or pa jot me a note to tell me that it's okay to put your beautiful face on the internet! Some of you might be getting tired of seeing my first period kids!

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We will work on the computer lab on Monday during class. Those students in my Blue Group will finish their PPT presentations and email them to my computer.

Students in the Gold Group will collect information to use when they put together their project. If they are comfortable doing a PPT they may. If they would rather do a poster or a shoe box project, they will work on that on Tuesday.

Blue Group projects are due Wednesday.
Gold Group projects are due Thursday.

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We went to 'Goop Camp'!

How to make goop:

1 part glue
1 part liquid starch
food coloring
squish in a ziplocked bag

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Oh Deer!

Limiting Factors and Carrying Capacity

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We have new teachers!

Welcome to our mini, mini schools.


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I was working on grades for my third period class when my computer had a mishap. I will double check the grades at school to see if they were entered correctly. Thanks, NW

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Let's Make Ice Cream!


1 small zipper plastic bag
1 large zipper plastic bag
1/4 cup of rock salk or table salt
1 1/2 to 2 cups of ice
1 tsp of vanilla
2 tablespoons of sugar (add more to taste)
1/2 cup of whole milk
measuring cup and spoon

  • measure sugar, milk, and vanilla into a small bag
  • shake bag to mix ingredients
  • fill the large bag with ice and salt
  • place the small bag inside the large one
  • hold on to the top of the small bag near the top so salt doesn't get in the ice cream
  • shake, rattle, rock and roll until the mixture is hard
  • wipe off excess ice and salt from the bag and enjoy!

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Pick out your favorite animal to adopt

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Measuring Liquid Volume

Did you end up with the right amount?

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Which Helicopter Will Stay in the Air the Longest?

Will it be the ash, maple, box elder, or pine?

To be continued ...

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Having Fun at Lunch

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Measuring Our Bodies

Is our height really the same measurement as our arm span?
Is our wrist circumference really the same as our hand span?
Is our foot length really the same length as our elbow-to-wrist?

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Welcome to Ms. Weatherhead's Science Class

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